module cinter use, intrinsic:: iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_char, c_ptr, c_bool use oscinter, only: kbhit implicit none (type, external) integer(c_int) :: LINES, COLS type(c_ptr) :: stdscr,curscr integer(c_int), parameter :: FAIL = -1 interface !--- function that use cinter.c ! function f_initscr() result (initscr__OUT) bind(C, name='initscr') import type(c_ptr):: initscr__OUT ! WINDOW *initscr end function f_initscr subroutine getmaxyx(win,y,x) bind(C, name='macro_getmaxyx') import type (c_ptr), value :: win integer(c_int) :: y,x end subroutine getmaxyx !--- functions that interface directly with Curses subroutine endwin() bind(C) ! ncurses restores previous terminal contents (before program was run) end subroutine endwin integer(c_int) function getch() result (ch) bind(C) import end function getch subroutine flushinp() bind (c) end subroutine flushinp subroutine timeout(delay) bind (C) !! timeout(0) => non-blocking getch() (-1 if no keypress) import integer(c_int), value :: delay end subroutine timeout function nodelay(win, bf) result (ierr) bind(C, name='nodelay') !! import INTEGER(C_INT) :: ierr type(C_PTR) ,value:: win ! const WINDOW *win logical(C_BOOL) ,value:: bf ! bool bf end function nodelay function keypad(win, bf) result (ierr) bind(C, name='keypad') !! import INTEGER(C_INT) :: ierr ! int keypad type(C_PTR) ,value:: win ! const WINDOW *win logical(C_BOOL) ,value:: bf ! bool bf end function keypad !-------------------- integer(c_int) function f_addch(ch) result (addch__OUT) bind(c, name='addch') import character(kind=c_char) , value, intent(in):: ch end function f_addch subroutine mvaddch(y, x, ch) bind (C, name='mvaddch') import integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: y, x character(kind=c_char), intent(in), value :: ch end subroutine mvaddch subroutine refresh() bind(C) end subroutine refresh subroutine clear() bind(C) !! clear entire screen end subroutine clear subroutine border() bind(C) !! draw border end subroutine border subroutine noecho() bind (C) ! don't echo keypresses to screen end subroutine noecho subroutine cbreak() bind (C) ! disable line buffer end subroutine cbreak subroutine mvprintw(y, x, str) bind (C) import integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: y, x character(kind=c_char),intent(in) :: str end subroutine mvprintw integer(c_int) function printw(str) bind (C) import character(kind=c_char),intent(in) :: str end function printw end interface contains function initscr() result (stdscr__OUT) ! call initscr() but set global variables too ! type(C_PTR) :: stdscr__OUT stdscr = f_initscr() !stdscr=returnstd() !curscr=returncur() stdscr__OUT=stdscr call getmaxyx(stdscr, LINES, COLS) if(LINES < 0) error stop 'Curses: could not get LINES' if(COLS < 0) error stop 'Curses: could not get COLS' end function initscr subroutine addch(ch) character(kind=c_char), value, intent(in):: ch !< const chtype ch integer(c_int) :: ierr ierr = f_addch(ch) if (ierr == FAIL) error stop 'addch' end subroutine addch end module cinter